
Teachings on prayer, prayer guides, praying the scriptures.

  • Prayer

    How to Pray Like Jesus in Intercession

    Have you ever wondered what exactly it is that Jesus desires to accomplish through your life? If you’ve been in the church world for awhile, I’m sure you’ve heard it, “God has a plan for your life!” Or you may not even be aware that Jesus actually does desire to accomplish His will through your life. I’m here to tell you that He does. Let me ask you this; do you feel a passion tugging at your heart strings to see righteousness return to our nation, or see breakthrough in your personal life, or a holy revival flood your community but not sure of how to see it come to…

  • Prayer

    How To Pray Like Jesus in the Self Denial

    "Lord, teach us to pray." Jesus' dearest friends asked Him when they were tucked away in a secluded place from the pressing crowds. Up to this moment, they had witnessed miracle after miracle as Jesus got down in the dirt with people healing their sicknesses, casting evil spirits out of the demonized, feeding five thousand hungry people until they were satisfied with only five loaves of bread and two fish, and even rebuking harsh weather with just the word of His mouth. The disciples stood in amazement, hearts pounding out of their chests, as they watched the wind and the waves actually obey Him.

  • Prayer

    How to Pray Like Jesus in the Delay

    Hi friend, I’ve got to tell you about something incredible that has been happening lately. It usually happens as I lay my head down on my pillow at night; I’ve said goodnight to my sweet husband and the lights turn out. I ease into the soft covers of our bed, my mind settles from the daily distractions (which are A LOT), and that is when my breath catches in my throat and my heart lurches in my chest.  Jesus speaks.  I feel His nearness in my spirit. Jesus seems to lean in closer and whisper, “Time is running out, I am coming soon.” I sense the urgency in His voice.…